Disciple Web BannerCommunity … Staying Connected
The community ministry area includes men’s ministry, women’s ministry, and small groups.
Life Groups:
One of our values at WEFC is to connect with each other through healthy relationships, and we believe it’s important for everyone to discover a place where they can connect and grow. We were never created to “do life” alone and Life Groups exist for individuals to build community, which is an important part of maintaining a healthy Christian walk.
Women’s Ministry:

Be part of a ministry that engages and encourages women in their relationship with Jesus Christ.  We provide opportunities for personal and spiritual growth according to God’s Word including Bible studies, book studies and discipleship.

Men’s Ministry:

Men – as the saying goes iron sharpens iron – so come be a part of our men’s ministry.  We meet to study God’s Word. We fellowship, pray together and support each other as we learn what it is to be a true man of God.
If you would like more information on this ministry, please contact the church office.