Heart and Hands Website Banner
Showing God’s love to others …

Through the WEFC Care Ministries, it is our desire to demonstrate Christ to our church family in the way that we show care, comfort and support for each other. 


Current care teams that serve others

Care Corps
Family meals prepared and delivered by WEFC volunteers after hospitalization, illness or crisis. 
Volunteer-staffed nursery during church service and Sunday School.
Sweet Comforts
Christmas baskets are assembled and delivered to widows, widowers, single seniors and single moms by WEFC volunteers. A spring luncheon is prepared and presented for widows and female single seniors.
Expressions of Encouragement
Volunteers deliver cards, memorials and gifts of encouragement to those hospitalized or under special circumstances on behalf of WEFC.
Shut-in Visitation
Visiting our shut-ins on a monthly basis. 
Showers of Blessing
Providing opportunities to celebrate new milestones in women’s lives bringing together women of varied experience levels as an informal network of support.

We would love to have you join us in blessing others. Opportunities vary by time of year and may be one-time or on-going.

Contact the church office with questions or interest in serving.